Saturday 23 August 2014


Today I went to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.  There were lots of street acts that were amazing and while I will upload more photographs later, I had to do a quick post.  Below are a couple of images from an act that I totally loved.  They were called 'Leodo: Paradise Lost'.  They are from Korea and  just blew me away. 

©Lyndsey Norton Photography

©Lyndsey Norton Photography
They are a group of seven performers and whilst all were amazing.  This one woman really caught my eye.  Her passion was a amazing and her smile infectious.  I love going to the Fringe, you can find something new around every corner.

Sunday 17 August 2014

New Addition

It has been a busy time for myself the past few weeks and therefore haven’t posted.  However, I am now back in the swing of things and would like to start by showing you this image.

©Lyndsey Norton 

The wee one is called Aysha.  She is a new addition to the family and is gorgeous.  She had a difficult start to life but has come on leaps and bounds and is now fitting in quite nicely.